
You will need to install and activate the Coachify Pro plugin and activate the Sidebar Blocks addon in order to use the Categories block.

Using the Categories block you can display the list of post categories present inside a website.

The visitors can have direct access to the respective category pages and also get to know the number of posts assigned to a particular category.

How to add the Categories block? #

  • Visit Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
  • Inside the Sidebar dropdown option, click on the Add block “+” icon.
  • Search for Categories and click on the block to add it.
  • The block will be added to the sidebar which you can further configure via the provided Block Settings.

Block Settings #

The following is the list of block settings provided to configure the Categories block.

Text color: Select the text color for the post count.

Background color: Select the background color for the post count block.

Title: You can enter the title for the block added here.

Title Selector: Select the Heading Style for the block title.

Layout: Choose a layout for the Categories block.

Categories List: Select the post categories that you want to display inside the Categories block. If none of the categories is selected then by default, all the post categories will be displayed inside the block.

Show Post Count: Enable this option to display the number of posts added under the listed category.